Agent Michelle Brower On: 10 Tips for Attending Writers Conferences

Michelle Brower is an agent with Folio Literary. 1. Go to get feedback on your work in a workshop or instructional setting. Sometimes writers forget that the first and most important step in starting a writing career is actually, you know, writing. If you’re a genre or commercial writer, find out how your work fits […]

7 Things I’ve Learned So Far, by Catherine Gildiner

1. Writing is a job. Writing is a job not a vocation or an avocation. If you want to be a success at it, treat it like the most important part of your day. Don’t do it when all else is done. Lots of women do this sort of thing. They think they have to […]

Book Genres was recently browsing in a large bookshop when I can across a section with a sign declaring ‘Dark Fantasy.’ There it was in the cold light of day – a new genre. Without any fanfare or fuss, the bookshop had promoted Dark Fantasy from a minor sub-genre to a genre in its own right. […]

Match Your Book Content with the Right Editor Barbara McNichol I’m interested in working with authors referred by book coaches, book designers, website developers, literary agents, publicity experts, and book producers. I also work directly with publishers who hire me to perfect their authors’ manuscripts. For expert editing, please visit Match Your Book Content with the Right Editor Posted on 02 […]

How to write when you’ve got nothing to say

How to write when you’ve got nothing to say I was never prolific. I used to spend hours staring at a blank screen bleeding words like blood from a stone which I would end up deleting the next day. Why? Because I made the mistake of thinking that writing was all about producing words. Well, […]

8 Ways To Find Relevant Followers On Twitter Socia

l Media June 25, 2009 By Lisa Barone Twitter’s strength comes in its ability to connect you with other people and to start real conversations. It’s helped small business owners market to current customers, to engage new ones, and to create partnerships with new friends. But it can only help you to do that if […]

10 Steps to Create the Habit of Writing This, friends, is the linchpin: if you can create the habit of writing, you’ve got a wonderful foundation as a writer. If you struggle to get in enough time for writing, or keep putting it off, or can never seem to write when you planned to write … you need to work on creating […]

Your Manuscript: 3 Types of Rejection Letters Deciphered

Agent Scott Hoffman On: Making Sense of a Rejection Letter Agents generally respond to submissions with three types of rejections.  Cracking the code when it comes to a typical agent’s rejection protocol can help you determine whether or not the project you’re working on has publishing potential. Scott Hoffman is an agent with Folio Literary […]

How Timothy Ferriss Hit the Amazon Bestseller List

By Jason Boog on December 17, 2010 3:55 PM As of this writing, The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman is ranked #2 (pictured, click to enlarge) on Amazon’s Kindle bestseller list. We caught up with author Timothy Ferriss to find out how he built his audience. He […]

Is Social Media the way into your readers’ hearts? longing-filled “unobtainability.” But, as the song lyrics advise, a proactive approach will dispel those feelings and help you get what you want. For authors looking for readers (as opposed to teenagers looking for love) a proactive approach means tweeting on Twitter and, among other social networking sites, posting on your blog and others’ blogs; […]