Leadership Tools for Your Life & Your School


How to Bring Music Education to Your School District

Courtesy of VH1 Save the Music Foundation, you’ll find complete instructions for bringing music education to your US public school at little or no cost to your school district. This tribe-building community effort encourages students to join together as advocates for their schools.

How to Start a Club at Your School

Pursue your interest, whether it’s yoga, starting a band, debate, art, a book club, or whatever you can dream up. Discover the five benefits of starting a club, five questions to ask yourself before starting your club, and a five-and-a-half-step plan to establish your club and keep it running!

How to Find Your Passion

What is passion? What if you haven’t discovered your passion, or maybe your passion isn’t exactly a college major? The one true path to discovering what fires you up is not what you think! (Bonus: Take the Mini Quiz to Uncover Your Interests.)